
The Human Resources Department manages and supports the New Bedford Housing Authority's most valuable assets - its employees. In addition to its role as an advisor to management, Human Resources assists in the maintenance and distribution of Authority policy, oversees the selection and hiring of staff, maintains employee records, and administers employee benefits.

Human Resources also manages employee training and development, labor relations, separation from employment, and employee performance evaluation. For more information, you may contact the Human Resources Department through our website at nbha.website@newbedfordhousingauthority.org.

Employment Opportunities

The New Bedford Housing Authority is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. We offer competitive compensation, an excellent benefits package, as well as a pleasant work environment.

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

In accordance with Section 3 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, as amended, opportunity for employment, to the greatest extent available, shall be given to Section 3 eligible residents.


The New Bedford Housing Authority always accepts applications for employment to be kept on file. Applications are retained by the NBHA for twelve (12) months.

employees are discussing with each other

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Section 3 eligible residents of the City of New Bedford are encouraged to apply.